A green leaf is growing on the stump.
To provide clinical muscle fiber manipulation and passive stretching methods designed to rehabilitate and prevent muscle imbalances while relaxing the client.

LLAD (Lower Lateral Alignment Device)

LLAD (pronounced as "LAD") was designed to assist its user to passively stretch muscles of the Pelvis/Hip and Lower Legs (including Piriformis that causes Sciatica/Piriformis Syndrome), that creates abduction and lateral rotation of the leg at the hip and foot at the ankle. This device is to be used when seated.

LLAD can easily be set up to the desired passive stretch required by the user (by placing the footrest at an angle mounted on the base that is comfortable for the user), placed where you sit mostly (workplace or home), align outer edge of foot with outer edge of the footrest and relax. LLAD should be used for 15 minutes two to three times a day or as long as the user desires. Fifteen (15) minutes is recommended because some users will have tighter muscles than others, depending on how they use their body.

The different positions of the angled footrest when mounted to the base, increases or decreases the passive stretches of the lower lateral rotator muscles. With continuous use of this device, LLAD can help to prevent serious muscle imbalances, help to correct muscle imbalances, help to maintain healthy muscles and promote a proper posture.

Muscle Fiber Methodology

A Textbook for Massage Therapists

A combination of Clinical Massage Theories, New Muscle Fiber Manipulation Methodologies, Experience and Knowledge.


Muscle Fiber Methodology

Muscle Fiber Methodology (first edition) is primarily a textbook for massage therapists (example - LMT, CMT), who are pursuing training to learn new ways to manipulate muscles, to help themselves and their clients. This edition will try to illustrate the basic methods of Muscle Fiber Methodology used to manipulate the back, arms, glutes, legs, and upper body while protecting therapists at work. At the beginning of most chapters, a preview of the muscles to be manipulated will be listed, including their attachments and actions.

Optimal Muscle Fiber Manipulation


My mission is to provide a practiced group of clinical muscle fiber manipulating methods and passive stretches that create wellness-oriented personal care for everyone including busy professionals, athletes, gamers, and people with various physical pathologies. The clinical muscle fiber manipulating methods and passive stretches target individual muscles and their fibers, prevent muscle imbalances, help to correct, promote healing, relax, and lengthen all the muscles in the body without pain. The methods and stretches help to encourage the body’s ability to manage physical stress, and enhance the healthcare professionals’ and clients' coping mechanisms to regulate any potential or realized negative impact.

With the introduction of the Muscle Fiber Methodology as a treatment, these methods focus on muscle fiber manipulations that will help us to assess and evaluate muscular strengths, weaknesses, and compensations (pain avoidance from an old or new injury) within the body. From these evaluations and assessments, we can develop client-specific muscle fiber manipulation and passive stretches that target and utilize all of the client’s muscles, skeletal system, joints, fascia, and other supporting structures creating a support system that will promote correction and/or prevention of muscular disorders of the body.


The Innovator

Andrew M. Frankson is the creator and copyright claimant of Muscle Fiber Methodology. This methodology utilizes a combination of muscle fiber manipulating methods, passive stretches, and client-specific exercises that allows each client to reach her or his optimal performance. In 2007, Mr. Frankson recognized the need for a new approach to muscle manipulation and functional training to treat muscular problems. By focusing on the manipulation of the muscle fibers to achieve overall wellness, he designed and developed the systematic and effective techniques of Muscle Fiber Methodology. Muscle Fiber Methodology is effective to treat stress-related muscular problems, rehabilitation of muscle imbalances, and most importantly, prevention of muscle imbalances and stress-related muscular problems...

As a 2007/ 2009 graduate of the Massage Therapy and Clinical Massage Therapy Programs, from the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy, Mr. Frankson is licensed to practice massage in the states of Connecticut and New York. Andrew is an NCBTMB Board Approved Continuing Education Provider (#1804) and an AMTA member since 2007.

Pulse Wave Muscle Fiber Manipulation

Pulse Wave Muscle Fiber Manipulation is a combination of Muscle Fiber Methodology (MFM) and Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Therapy (EPAT). Pulse Wave Muscle Fiber Manipulation incorporates passive stretches, manipulation of the muscle fibers, and pulse activation treatment. Pulse Wave Muscle Fiber Manipulation targets individual muscles, which helps to promote healing.

Pulse Wave Muscle Fiber Manipulation helps to promote the body’s ability to manage physical stress, as well as enhancing the clients coping mechanism, and to better regulate any potential or realized negative impact. Pulse Wave Muscle Fiber Manipulation offers clients another systematic and effective approach to treating various muscular imbalances.

How Does the Combination Work?

Muscle Fiber Methodology is the manipulation of muscle fibers in various directions (depending on attachments, the direction of the fibers, and positions of the muscle). Shock Wave Therapy is thought to work by inducing micro-trauma to the tissue that is affected by these muscle imbalances. This micro-trauma initiates a healing response by the body. The healing response causes blood vessel formation and increased delivery of nutrients to the affected area. Pulse Wave Muscle Fiber Manipulation is the use of the EPAT attachment/s to manipulate the muscle fibers in various directions while, at the same time, introducing shock wave therapy to the muscle to induce micro-trauma in the tissues, to initiate a healing response to the muscle/s. Pulse Wave Muscle Fiber Manipulation will be applied to all muscles impacting or impacted by the affected area.

Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Therapy (EPAT) sometimes referred to as shock wave therapy is an FDA-approved, evidence-based treatment that gets to the root of your pain, facilitating healing and accelerating your recovery. EPAT improves your body’s regenerative potential, rather than further damaging an area that has degenerated because of poor blood flow, tissue injury, overuse, or weakness. The clinical term for shock wave therapy is Low-Intensity Shock Wave Therapy (LiSWT). It's a noninvasive therapy that's been used in orthopedics for years to help heal broken bones, injured ligaments, and injured tendons. It is based on a unique set of pressure waves that stimulate the metabolism, enhance blood circulation, and accelerate the healing process. Damaged tissue gradually regenerates and eventually heals. EPAT is a treatment used in physical therapy, orthopedics, urology, and cardiology. The shockwaves are abrupt, high amplitude pulses of mechanical energy, similar to soundwaves, generated by an electromagnetic coil.




The difference is truly incredible,

Nanette Ginise Instructor, Cortiva Institute for Massage Therapy,

I first met Andrew Frankson in 2009 when he was a student in my acupressure class at Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy. He and I lost touch for a number of years but at the end of 2017, Andrew contacted me about a method of body work he developed and suggested it may be helpful for me as I have Multiple Sclerosis, a disease that affects my balance and mobility. Before working with Andrew, regular massage always helped alleviate tension and sore muscles, but it never eliminated the causes. Using his new method which he calls Muscle Fiber Methodology, Andrew addressed my holding patterns and imbalances created from years of living with MS. After my first session, I was amazed in my body’s new range of motion, as I was standing taller and freer in my body from the lengthening and stretching of the muscle fibers in my shoulders, chest, hips and legs. As I now participate in regular sessions, I am more balanced when I walk and the pain in my arms and shoulders have subsided. The difference is truly incredible.

I wholeheartedly endorse the Muscle Fiber Methodologies regimen,

William James Attorney,

When my ruptured anterior tibialis tendon was declared inoperable five years ago, I thought I would never walk normally again. Fortunately, I met Andrew, who used his Muscle Fiber Methodologies to lengthen and strengthen the surrounding muscles and tendons to restore a virtually normal gait with minimal discomfort. I have also used his LLAD stretching device to passively stretch my deep butt muscles to relieve the tension of sitting at a desk all day. I look forward to my weekly exercise and massage sessions to maintain my endurance, flexibility and balance. I wholeheartedly endorse the Muscle Fiber Methodologies regimen.

...the cornerstone of my overall wellness program,

Barbara Garner Retired Teacher,

MFM techniques helped me overcome muscle spasms caused by a spinal compression fracture. That was four years ago when I met Andrew Frankson. Since then I have benefited from his weekly training regimen of exercises, stretching and massages to improve core strength, endurance, and flexibility. He created unique exercises to enhance my stamina and posture. His professionalism and ability to deal with various muscular health issues make him the cornerstone of my overall wellness program. Thank you, Andrew.

...he was not into inducing pain to fix my problem,

Michael A. Perry,

I have been working with Andrew the better part of three (3) years. When I first visited him, he mentioned something called "Muscle Fiber Methodology," with respect to massage therapy. Having terrible issues with back and shoulders for many years, I was willing to try anything new after years of PT and chiropractors. The first thing that impressed me was that, he was not into inducing pain to fix my problem, and true to his word, I have never had pain from his methodology. Further, I was taking pain relievers for years in order to play golf, and have not needed medication for pain before or after golf, since approximately four (4) months of Andrew's muscle manipulation. Playing golf without pain has been a Godsend to me! In addition to his Muscle Fiber Methodology, Andrew has provided certain additional, simple exercises, which have also helped my back and hips remain aligned. Andrew is a true professional of his craft, and I would recommend him, and have, to anyone with pain from their shoulders to ankles!

...it’s through Andrew’s Muscle Fiber Methodology that I've found relief,

Jennifer G,

I’ve been a client of Andrew’s for several years. Having back issues, I’ve worked with a handful of massage therapists, but it’s through Andrew’s Muscle Fiber Methodology that I've found relief. Andrew doesn’t believe in pain during a massage. There are “gains” to be made through the manipulation of the targeted muscle area, with a focus on my specific concerns and comfort. Andrew takes time to explain what he’s doing with each segment of the massage. He describes which muscles are involved, how they’re connected and why I have pain. He then continues to describe how his approach addresses each area and muscle. I’ve had this experience with no other therapist!

His system is by far the best massage therapy we have ever had

Mel Mindich

My wife and I have been clients of Andrew Frankson for the past few years and have weekly sessions enjoying his unique Muscle Fiber Methodology massages. His system is by far the best massage therapy we have ever had. It is relaxing while deeply stimulating our muscles. He is always pleasant and extremely knowledgeable about anatomy and health related issues. I would unhesitatingly recommend him. Further, he is developing a stretching device that seems to work without any exertion whatever called LLAD which I have tried on a test basis and I think it will offer significant relief for hip and lower body problems when available.

Muscle Fiber Methodology, combines the complete understanding of every muscle, fiber, and bone in the human body with his three dimensional invented technique of massage ...

Juliet S

Andrew Frankson's Muscle Fiber Methodology, combines the complete understanding of every muscle, fiber, and bone in the human body with his three dimensional invented technique of massage that penetrates tight injured, or extremely painful muscles and fibers through a gentle yet powerful kneading technique, loosening and rebalancing at the same time, not only the muscles and fibers but the entire skeleton, so that at the end of the session one's body has become completely pain free, realigned and rejuvenated, convincing one, as I have been, that this is indeed the only kind of massage there is.

This device is a game changer.

Andrea K.

Three years ago, my daughter suffered a bilateral fracture of her L4 vertebrae. She was a 3 sport athlete through high school and at the time, was in the middle of the recruiting process for basketball. As part of her healing process, we enlisted Andrew Frankson. What made Andrew unique was his technique, Muscle Fiber Technology. This is not a massage at the spa. Andrew has a vast knowledge of the body and is a master at identifying exactly where and what the problem is and how to help. He explains his methodology and relates it to what's going on in the body. It is particularly helpful because it all makes sense! More importantly, this method WORKS. My daughter was able to get out on the court again and is now playing basketball in college at the D1 level. She sees Andrew whenever she is home. I wish she could take him to school! My hope is that others get trained in this methodology so more people can benefit from it. I cannot impress enough what a difference this has made in my daughters life. This technique has helped her tremendously and continues to be a part of her athletic health. Andrew has also developed a device , the LLAD, which my daughter has used. It provides effortless stretching by simply re-positioning the hips. It is convenient, comfortable, and effective. What I love is that you can use it anytime you are sitting like at the computer, your desk, or watching tv. You get a crucial release in the hips without even thinking about it. I have learned how important this stretch is to both athletes and non-athletes in protecting your back. This device is a game changer.

...significantly reducing and shortening my periods of disability

S. Sweeney Nature Preserve Head Steward

I have non-correctable scoliosis which results in ankle, knee, hip, spine and shoulder alignment problems, often serious enough to prevent normal activities, and which ended up causing arthritis serious enough to require two joint surgeries. I learned about Muscle Fiber Methodology around 5 years ago. Regular treatments moderate the imbalance caused by the scoliosis, significantly reducing and shortening my periods of disability.

I will always be grateful to Andrew for the freedom he has allowed me.

S. Rosen Pound Ridge, NY

I've known Andrew Frankson for more than 10 years. His knowledge and understanding of how the Muscular System supports our body is better than any medical professional I've worked with. Andrew's commitment to one's health and well-being is second to none. He brought me back from a place from which I never expected to recover. At 57 I am more flexible than ever and able to manage my long days behind a desk, exercise freely and manage my busy life without aches and pains. I will always be grateful to Andrew for the freedom he has allowed me.

Thank you Mr. Frankson!


I have used the LLAD device for several months and have found it extremely helpful in dealing with both knee and back discomfort. This is easy to use and done twice a day while I work at my desk. The purpose is to keep my leg and back muscles in a good deep stretch so that it alleviates my joint and back issues. Now, when standing, I no longer feel I have to "unkink" before going about the other activities of my busy day. Thank you Mr. Frankson!

...I can highly recommend all the modalities of Muscle Fiber Methodology

Sarah Brown

Muscle Fiber Methodology works. Months after a car accident, no treatment relieved the painful spasms in my neck until I experienced Muscle Fiber Manipulation developed by Andrew Frankson. I felt immediate relief and after just 3 sessions the spasms and pain were completely gone. Since then, I have continued with the different modalities of MFM: strength and proper posture training, to name two. My shoulders had been rounded almost hunched from driving and computer work and I was tripping and falling at least twice a month. Through the strengthening exercises my back and shoulders are straight, I look thinner and taller. My whole body is stronger. I trip infrequently and I rarely fall. If I do trip, my muscles react immediately and I am able to catch myself in a split second. My training exercises are never painful and I am rarely out of breath. My muscles have shape, are strong and I have endurance. LLAD, (lower lateral alignment device) passively stretches leg muscles that have been overworked and misaligned throughout the day. It is brilliantly simple and requires little effort for a very effective and rejuvenating stretch. Through my own very positive experiences, I can highly recommend all the modalities of Muscle Fiber Methodology. Try them out for yourself.