MFM Student Manual – Kinesiology
A practical study of human movement, this course expands upon the knowledge of the
musculoskeletal system gained in AP1 including exploration of efficient posture, body
mechanics, and basic exercise theory and practice. Teaching modalities are both didactic and
participatory. Students will learn to think broadly about their clients’ biomechanical backgrounds
and then apply their knowledge of human movement to better serve their clients’ soft tissue
conditions. The material covered in Kinesiology is designed to parallel and thus reinforce the
material being covered in MT3.
Course Description:
A practical study of human movement, this course expands upon the knowledge of the
musculoskeletal system gained in AP1 including exploration of efficient posture, body
mechanics, and basic exercise theory and practice. Teaching modalities are both didactic and
participatory. Students will learn to think broadly about their clients’ biomechanical backgrounds
and then apply their knowledge of human movement to better serve their clients’ soft tissue
conditions. The material covered in Kinesiology is designed to parallel and thus reinforce the
material being covered in MT3.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course students will be able to:
1. Know the structure of synovial (diarthrodial) joints; classify all major joints in the body
by their movements; identify axes around which actions happen; correctly demonstrate
all joint actions; observe and identify joint actions on another person.
2. Understand basic structure and function of muscles.
3. Know three types of muscle contractions and be able to identify which one is being used
for a given action.
4. Understand the various role muscles play to produce a given movement.
5. Learn muscles moving torso, hip joints, shoulder girdle, upper and lower extremities;
know primary and secondary motion of each muscle.
6. Accurately execute primary action of each muscle; observe and identify muscle or
muscles involved in movements another person is executing.
7. Be able to identify which muscles are used most for certain activities.
8. Observe and identify the most commonly seen postural imbalances.
9. Understand the concept of compression.
10. Understand the difference between stretch and strength.
11. Know a series of exercises to warm up/mobilize spine, hip joint and shoulder girdle.
12. Know basic strengthening and stretching exercises for major muscle groups.