MFM Student Manual – Anatomy & Physiology 2
Course Description
Continued study of the general organization and the systems of the human body according to
Western science. The following systems are studied: nervous, endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic,
immune, urinary, respiratory, digestive, and reproductive, as well as the special issues. The focus is
on developing a clear idea of normal function to provide the groundwork for understanding the
applications of muscle fiber methodology in promoting health and well-being.
Course Description
Continued study of the general organization and the systems of the human body according to
Western science. The following systems are studied: nervous, endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic,
immune, urinary, respiratory, digestive, and reproductive, as well as the special issues. The focus is
on developing a clear idea of normal function to provide the groundwork for understanding the
applications of muscle fiber methodology in promoting health and well-being.
Course Objectives
After this course, students will be able to:
1. Be familiar and comfortable with the language of anatomy and physiology.
2. Understand the general organization of the human body according to Western science.
3. Understand the structure and function of the major systems of the human body.
4. Appreciate the importance of the study of anatomy and physiology to the practitioner of
muscle fiber manipulation.
5. Understand how muscle fiber methodology contributes to the optimal functioning of the
human organism.
6. Gain a basic understanding of research and research methods.