Muscle Fiber Methodology Textbook – Black & White
Muscle Fiber Methodology (MFM) is primarily a textbook for current and future massage therapists pursuing training to learn new methodologies that clinically manipulate muscle fibers, to assist their clients and themselves. The textbook illustrates basic methods of Muscle Fiber Methodology used to clinically manipulate muscles of the body while protecting the therapist. At the beginning of most chapters, a preview of the muscles to be manipulated will be listed, including their attachments and actions.
Muscle Fiber Methodology (MFM) is primarily a textbook for current and future massage therapists pursuing training to learn new methodologies that clinically manipulate muscle fibers, to assist their clients and themselves. The textbook illustrates basic methods of Muscle Fiber Methodology used to clinically manipulate muscles of the body while protecting the therapist. At the beginning of most chapters, a preview of the muscles to be manipulated will be listed, including their attachments and actions.
Muscle Fiber Methodology (MFM) is a unique combination of methods incorporating clinical muscle fiber manipulation and passive stretches. MFM is unique in many ways, for example – over seventy (70) percent of the methods are done while sitting on a rolling stool, the use of the hands and thumbs are different, and passive stretches are more relaxing for the client and therapist. These methods not only rehabilitate, and prevent muscle imbalances, they also help clients relax during the session.